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Up to 57% Off on Hypnosis at Ancestress

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required.

Hypnotherapy is best for those who 1. Has an open mind 2. Has Patience 3. Are Determined

Stop Smoking Hypotherapy Package

These 4 sessions will include a bonus session to use for yourself or to gift to someone else.

This package will help you identify and target your reason for smoking. With this knowledge as to "why", you'll be able to gain a new perspective that will allow you to quit your habit.

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy two sessions

These dual 90-minute sessions will assist in identifying the trigger that cause you to want to smoke. You'll be able to gain a new perspective on the reasoning for your habit.

Hypnotherapy is for those who want to facilitate a distinctive change within thier lives. Hypnotherapy is not about control, it will help.you gain new perspective and insight. On those emotional pulls in your life that drive to certain behaviors.

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