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Up to 40% Off on Hot Yoga at HOTFLO Studios

Limit 3 per person. May be repurchased every 365 days.

The leader in Online Yoga Teacher Training approved by Yoga Alliance and Kettlebell Flow Instructor Certification.

Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course With Certificate

Online self-paced 200 Hour YTT where you will learn the history, foundations and sequencing of yoga online, and on your own schedule. Registered with Yoga Alliance, our 200 hour online yoga teacher training goes above and beyond to give you authentic learning and quality content. Receive dedicated peer support throughout training.

Virtual Certified Kettlebell Flow Instructor Training Course With Certificate

Virtual Kettlebell Flow Training to become a Certified Kettlebell Flow Instructor. Over a two-day virtual training session, you will learn simple kettlebell flows and how to add the other modalities of yoga to form a Kettlebell Flow. 

HOTFLO Studios is the leader in online teacher and instructor training. Online YTT is led by industry leader Christina Flory, E-RYT 500 and YACEP®. Both Yoga Alliance designations are for experts in the yoga community to set themselves apart and teach courses that qualify for RYTs. Christina Flory is master instructor and creator of Kettlebell Flow.

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