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Up to 64% Off on Camp - Sport at Lessons With Holly

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days. Reservation required.

Learn hitting from an experienced hitting coach of more than 25 years at the college level and 20 years of individual instruction.

Three One-Hour Softball Hitting Lessons & Metrics

You will receive three one-hour fastpitch softball hitting instruction from Holly Knight. Each lesson will determine the current weaknesses of the hitter's swing and work on ways of correcting the flaws through instruction that includes drills with "home work" assignments of which to work on between lessons.

Strengths of the hitter will also be determined with the approach that we maintain our strengths while improving or eliminating our weaknesses.

Testing for metrics such as bat speed and exit velocity will be conducted in one of the three lessons.

One Introductory Hitting Lesson

You will receive a one-hour fastpitch softball hitting instruction from Holly Knight. The lesson will determine the current weaknesses of the hitter's swing and work on ways of correcting the flaws through instruction that includes drills with "homework" assignments with the goal that you will feel Lessons With Holly are worthwhile and will continue.

The strengths of the hitter will also be determined by the approach that we maintain our strengths while improving or eliminating our weaknesses.

  • Hitters must be at least 8 years old.
  • The deal is available only once per athlete.
  • Please go to Lessons With Holly for more details and to schedule your first lesson.

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