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Up to 45% Off on Yoga Class at Heather's Holistic Healings

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Through the use of holistic healing, one can decrease stress levels, improve concentration, and obtain overall balance in their lives.

Three Restorative Yoga sessions (private or small groups of three)

Restorative yoga is a gentle, slow, still style of yoga that involves long, passive holds in a series of 4-6 restful poses. Yogis are often supported by props to enhance or deepen their experience and achieve a state of total relaxation and releaseMost restorative yoga classes include a combination of therapeutic elements like essential oils, touch assistance, guided meditation and soothing music. 

Chakra balancing Session and One Restorative Yoga Session

One on one consultation, By removing stagnant energies and emotional blockages the client receives the benefits of mental clarity and a boost in vital energy. A typical session involves chakra alignment and a very deep, multidimensional level energy clearing.The benefits you will typically receive from a session includes enhancing your self-esteem, unleashing of your inner power and connecting you to your true self. A follow-up plan is established after the session for further self-healing.This is an incredibly powerful form of healing for clients who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Heather's Holistic Healing

Come to Heal, Leave with peace.

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