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Up to 38% Off on Detox / Cleanse at Le Yoni Spa

Online redemption only. Consultation required before service. If you are ineligible, a refund will be provided. The safety and efficacy of this practice has not been evaluated by the FDA. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 365 days.

Yoni steaming aids in relieving cramps, regulating cycles, PH balancing, tightening, and can also help with your hormones.

Ultimate Yoni Steam

Groupon Yoni Steam is designed to help those who are interested and just wanting to try out Yoni steaming for the first time at our spa. You will have a consultation which you can ask questions about any steam or the process and so forth. Following the consultation we will recommend which products are best for your needs. During this session we will go over what concerns you may be experiencing or if you simply are coming in to maintain your womb wellness. We will discuss a Yoni Steam or plan that best works with your life and needs. All first time clients are required to Experience their journey here at Le Yoni Spa. 

Each Groupon steam is 20 minutes long with about 15 minutes of education. 

Comes with the Lavender yoni steam blend.

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