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One 25 or 50-Minute One-on-One Stretch with Mobility Assessment at StretchLab (Up to 53% Off)

Limit 1 redemption person (additional vouchers may not be purchased for self if you have already redeemed a voucher). Not valid for clients active within the past 6 month(s). Registration required. Limit 1 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

An experienced Flexologist will stretch your muscles to alleviate tension and stress

  • During your personal session, a Flexologist will assess your needs and stretch major muscle groups to help reduce muscle tension and increase range of motion.

  • You will be put in positions and asked to contract certain muscles and hold the contraction for a few moments. This advanced form of stretching is very beneficial in increasing range of motion and getting maximum benefits.

  • Our Flexologists are trained to understand the muscular system, a wide range of assisted stretches and how to work with a variety of clients of all ages and body types.

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