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Up to 51% Off on Teeth Whitening - In-Office - Non-Branded at 8661 Haute Beauty Bar

Appointment required, contact online at https://8661hautebeauty.as.me/schedule.php. Must sign waiver. Consultation required before service. If you are ineligible, a refund will be provided. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Professional teeth whitening with great results after just one session. Up to 4-8 shades brighter. Get a brighter smile by booking today

60-Minute In-Office Teeth-Whitening Treatment

90-Minute In-Office Teeth-Whitening Treatment

30-Minute In-Office Teeth-Whitening Treatment

Professional teeth whitening. Great results in one session. Up to 4-8 shades brighter in 60 min. (Results vary on dental hygiene) 

Teeth whitening is a simple process. Whitening products contain one of two tooth bleaches (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide). These bleaches break stains into smaller pieces, which makes the color less concentrated and your teeth brighter.

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