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Up to 55% Off on Fine Art / Sculpture (Retail) at MamaCasts

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day— Family Days— Each moment we share in life is precious and sacred. Capture your portrait of love in stone.

50% off Family Hand portrait casting session

Our time together is fleeting and precious. MamaCasts honors family relationships with the art of lifecasting - sculptural impressions taken from everyone present - to create unique family portraits.

This Groupon offering is for a single casting session for your group. The style of finished piece (pearlized hydrocal or cold cast bronze) will be an additional fee determined at time of casting.

55% off Belly Casting Session

The time of pregnancy is profound and short lived. Document this sacred time with a MamaCasts signature work by j. Adiastri.

This Groupon offering is for a single casting session for your belly cast.

The style of finished piece (pearlized hydrocal or cold cast bronze poured cast, or bas relief decoupaged wall mounting) will be an additional fee determined at time of casting.

40% off Couples Life Cast Portrait casting session

Commemorate your love - wedding portrait or just an intimate first date to remember for all time -by sitting in intimate stillness with your love for a full doible torso couples portrait made by the impression art of lifecasting.

included is one casting session.

final fee of casting material and mounting material will be determined at time of consultation.

You can follow @mamamcasts on Instagram to see variety of life castings possibilities.

all sessions weather permitting will be done masked and outside for covid protection.

casting sessions will be hosted at Juli‘s Lowell studio or She Will travel to your home- this will be determined at time of scheduling and consult.

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