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Up to 54% Off on Online Career Consultant at CMA Midwest

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days.

CMA Midwest will get you access to your product within 1-2 business days.

PowerMyCareer Online Solutions with Active Participant Guide

PowerMyCareer Online Solutions is designed to help you create a personal brand, identify and attract new job opportunities, and land in your next role no matter where you are.

This AI led digital solution includes:

* Active participant guidance to nudge you through all phases of job search

* Virtual interviewing allowing practice, record, and review capability

* Jobscan technology to put you ahead of Applicant Tracking Systems

* Resume and LinkedIn development

* Guided webinars including resume creation

This program is digital led and does NOT include a personal coach.

PowerMyCareer Online Solutions

PowerMyCareer Online Solutions is designed to help you create a personal brand, identify and attract new job opportunities, and land in your next role no matter where you are.

This digital solution includes:

* Virtual interviewing allowing practice, record, and review capability

* Resume creation allowing unlimited resumes builds

* Job scan technology to match your resume to job description

* LinkedIn profile scan against job title

* Access to 170M contacts through D&B

This is an online portal with access to many great tools. A physical coach is NOT included.

PowerMyJobSearch + PowerMyResume + PowerMyInterview

Digital access to three career tools.

Job Search includes:

* Analyzes your resume for targeted job opportunities

* Optimizes keywords for search engine visibility

Resume includes:

* Generates competitive resumes and CVs

* Interactive online portfolios

* Tracks resume performance

Interview includes:

* Practice individual, panel and virtual interview formats

* Improve performance with recorded practice

All items are included in a digital bundle only. A physical coach is NOT included.

Career Personality Assessment

Managing Performance in Organizations (MPO) is unique in its capacity to measure the interactions and level of intensity for seven of the most vital aspects of personality within the work context.

Simply take the 15 minute assessment to reveal your key personality traits, key competencies and provides an overview of likely behaviors.

A ,pdf will be provided which includes detailed information on your results. A 1:1 consultation on your results is NOT included.

Career Personality Assessment with Interpretation

Managing Performance in Organizations (MPO) is unique in its capacity to measure the interactions and level of intensity for seven of the most vital aspects of personality within the work context.

Simply take the 15 minute assessment to reveal your key personality traits, key competencies and provides an overview of likely behaviors.

Paired with a 30 minute consultation with a certified consultant to review your results.

The tools provided are used by CMA Midwest to support individual and businesses needing help with recruiting, talent management, leadership development and career transition.

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