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Up to 35% Off on Online Psychic / Astrology / Fortune Telling at Carlene Davila Astrology

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Professional astrologer reveals your life path and purpose as well as current astrological influences and how best to handle them.

One Hour Astrology Reading - Natal Chart and Transits

What's Included: A One Hour Astrology Reading via telephone or Zoom video chat (your choice). We will discuss your life path and purpose as revealed by the natal chart as well as recent, current, and upcoming astrological influences and how best to handle them.  

One Hour Couples Astrology Reading - Natal Charts and Transits

What's Included: A One Hour Astrology Reading for two via Zoom video chat. Compatibility analysis, transits, and each individual life path will be discussed with a focus on how each partner can contribute to a more fulfilling relationship.

Natal charts are calculated using birth date, time, and place. If birth time is not available, the natal chart will be constructed using birth date and place. All birth data is confidential. 

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