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Up to 90% Off on Math or English Reading Tutoring at MindZone Learning

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days.

Our goal is to provide affordable, comprehensive, individually focused learning that prepares students for academic success.

90% Off Kids Instructor-lead Online Math and English Classes at MindZone Learning

What’s included:

1. Online assessment via Zoom to determine where to best focus your child.

2. Customized packets for Math and English that will be mailed to you monthly. Enough for 6 nights of "homework" per week will be included, along with answers sheets to help check student's work.

3. Attend up to two instructore-lead, group classes per week via Zoom for two hours each. 

4. Classes are broken out to achieve a ratio of 4-5 kids per tutor. 

5. Follow-up Zoom session(s) to discuss how the material is going and if it needs adjusted.

90% Off Math and English Daily Study Material from MindZone Learning

What’s included:

1. Online assessment via Zoom to determine where to best focus your child.

2. Customized packets for Math and English that will be mailed to you monthly. Enough for 6 nights of "homework" per week will be included.

3. Answer sheets included so you can help check your child’s work.

4. Follow-up Zoom session(s) to discuss how the material is going and if it needs adjusted.

  • Limit 1 per student, may buy 2 additional as gift(s).
  • May be repurchased every 120 days.
  • Promotional value expires 6 months after purchase.
  • Amount paid never expires.
  • Must be able to connect to internet and attend a Zoom online meeting

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