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Up to 50% Off on Public Speaking Course at ApexOratory

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Develop confidence and critical thinking skills through public speaking and debate.

2 Online Public Speaking and Debate Classes (Ages 6-14)

2 In-Person Public Speaking and Debate Classes in Maynard, MA (Ages 6-14)

Apex is perfect for younger students looking to increase their confidence and public speaking abilities, all the way up to incoming high school students determined to gain an edge in the world of speech and debate!

Register for 2 hour-long sessions and learn how to develop confidence and critical thinking skills through the art of presentation and argumentation! All sessions have a 4:1 student-teacher ratio and include individualized coaching by top debaters and public speakers in the nation.

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