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Up to 66% Off on Consultant - Life Coach at 2 of Hearts Healing Center

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

I have worked with hundreds of people to improve their quality of life and empower them to live their truth. You deserve it

30 Minute Tarot Reading

As many question as you can fit in 30 min. Get real, reliable and accurate advice from a highly reviewed tarot reader 

1 Hour Tarot Reading

As many question as you can fit in 30 min. Get real, reliable and accurate advice from a highly reviewed tarot reader 

One Hour Spiritual Life Coaching

Are you looking to turn your life around but lacking the motivation and direction to do so? If so this program is for you. I will work with you to accomplish your goals, one on one we will lay out attainable goals and I will show you spiritual practices to aid you in your journey. Specializing in addiction recovery, toxic relationships, and family trauma. 

10 Session Spiritual Life Coaching Package

Are you looking to turn your life around but lacking the motivation and direction to do so? If so this program is for you. I will work with you to accomplish your goals, one on one we will lay out attainable goals and I will show you spiritual practices to aid you in your journey. Specializing in addiction recovery, toxic relationships, and family trauma. 

sessions will be once a week. 

I love what I do and am so excited to share it with the world. you deserve to have to the best life possible! sign up now 

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