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Up to 41% Off on Parenting Coach Sessions at Revolutionizing Parenthood

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Professional parent coach helps the clients improve their parenting skills & overcome challenges related to parenthood.

Online Sessions: 1 Hour Parent Coaching Session

Regardless of how many parenting books you have read, videos you have watched, or courses you have taken on child behavior and parenting, it is still hard to navigate your way to a more content, peaceful, and happy life as a parent. Let’s face it – you can google just about anything. But there is SO much information out there, and sifting through all the conflicting advice, formulas and techniques can be more stressful than the challenge you are currently facing! Figuring this stuff out all alone can be nearly impossible. Our coaching will help you get clear on all of this.

Online Sessions: Four 1 Hour Parent Coaching Sessions

If you feel you need more help than one session can provide, get four sessions with this option.

Sessions are hourly and scheduled over zoom.

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