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Up to 48% Off on Body Wrap at Les Lash U LLC

Appointment required, contact by phone at (610) 205-2929. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Body wraps help improve skin’s elasticity and tone as well as blood circulation.

One Body Wrap Session

Two Body Wraps Sessions

  • Choose a single session or package of body wraps which are designed to improve the texture and appearance of the skin by helping to rid the body of excess fluids and toxins.
  • Body wraps may include detoxification, boosting of the lymphatic system and metabolism, body contouring, temporary inch-loss, skin tightening, and skin softening.
  • How it works: infrared-emitting pads are wrapped around the legs, arms, and torso, warming up the body with gentle infrared energy that helps elevate the heart rate and boost the metabolism
  • Benefits: The warmth generated by the infrared energy can help relax tense muscles, work up a healthy sweat, and aid weight-loss regimens by boosting your heart rate and metabolism.

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