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Up to 48% Off on Shoes - Dress / Casual - Women (Retail) at Lookeble

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Women’s online clothing store featuring the latest fashion trends.

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Tan Plaid)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Black)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Red)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Red Plaid)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Gray)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Unisex Solid and Plaid Cashmere Tassel Scarf (Gray Plaid)

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

Made from 100% Cashmere - Super soft, warm, and cozy. Gentle on skin for those bitter cold winter days. This is the perfect functional gift for anyone! Comes in a variety of patterns a colors!

Material: 100% Cashmere 

Size: 35 x 195 cm 

Pattern: Solid or Plaid 

Embellishments: Tassels

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