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Up to 45% Off on Consultant - Counselor / Therapist at Infinite Healing

Promotional value expires 6 months after purchase. May be repurchased every 120 days. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s).

What if you could ask your body what it wants? Now you can! At Infinite Healing, we provide an individualized approach.

Mental Health Assessment

This session includes a mental health assessment to support you in processing your feelings. We help individuals and couples to find balance in their lives. 

Mental and Physical Health Assessment

This session includes an all inclusive mental and physical health assessment. Our minds and bodies are connected. This assessment is an FDA approved class 2 medical device that is non-invasive. This will detect your strengths and areas of opportunity. We will also tailor a supplemental program based on your results.

Come in and find where the disconnect is that you may be experiencing! 

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Before voucher purchase, please email [email protected] for a free consultation.

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